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FORENSIC SCIENCE SEMINAR. The in-depth guide for forensic professionals. The best professional researches from global experts. Articles: 1 Scene; 2 Laboratory; 3 Simulation. Reviews: 1 Investigation; 2 Identification; 3 Interdisciplinary. News: 1 Conferences; 2 Cases; 3 Trainings.
About FSS Forensic Science Seminar is a nonprofit organization of forensic scientists and engineers committed to making the world’s forensic scientific literature a freely available public resource.
Journal title: Forensic Science Seminar Variant forms of the title: FOREN SCI SEM, F.S.S. ISSN: 2157-118X (online) Publication Frequency: Annually (one formal issue per year, and more special issues if necessary) Subjects: Forensic Science; Biomedical Engineering; Accident Analysis; Criminal Scene Investigation; Judicial Expertise; Evidence; Publisher: Forensic Science Seminar Language: English Property: online/OA/NGO OCLC: 659514459 Initial issue: Vol. 1 no. 1, January 2011 Executive editor: Tilla A. Theresia
For details, please contact us by E-mail fss@xxyy.info Seek advice from Exe-editor Tilla by E-mail tilla@fss.xxyy.info.info
Forensic Science Seminar (ISSN 2157-118X)
Editorial Department E-mail: fss@xxyy.info FORENSIC SCI SEM
Official Website http://fss.xxyy.info/
Publisher ZolCat Academic House, Brooklyn, NY, 11220. Indexed by Google Scholar, OCLC (659514459), Ulrich.
Impact Factor = 0.122 (2024). Sponsored by the Library of Congress.
01 The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in Quantitative Research on Handwriting Examination YuChen Wang, ZhongYuan Ji, Yong Wang [PDF] pp 1-8
02 The Optimal Electrode Distance in Recording Compound Nerve Action Potentials to Study Traffic Nerve Functional Injury Mechanism Shengxiong Liu, Shanshan Pu, Junhong Xiang, Daiqin Tao [PDF] pp 9-15
Book Chapter
03 Communicating Forensic Genetics:‘Enthusiastic’ Publics and the Management of Expectations Nina Amelung, Rafaela Granja, Helena Machado [PDF] pp 16-24
Special Brief
04 Why Forensic Science Is In Crisis and How We Can Fix It Ruth Morgan [PDF] pp 25-28
05 A Call for More Science in Forensic Science Suzanne Bell, Sunita Sah, Thomas D. Albright, S. James Gates Jr., M. Bonner Denton, Arturo Casadevall [PDF] pp 29-30
Editor-in-Chief: Tilla A. Theresia, Ph.D. – Quality and Technology Management on Forensic Science Laboratory (USA). E-mail: tilla@fss.xxyy.info Editorial Board Tarri Querina Borbón Zóe de Llaneadora, Ph.D. – Criminal Scene (Spain); Prof. Eric YIN, Ph.D. – Biomechanical Forensics (China); Prof. Donald A. Redelmeier, – Traffic Medicine (Canada); Assoc. Prof. Eric ZENG, Ph.D. – Structure Safety (China); Quiéta de Thérésa, Ph.D. – Forensic Chemistry (France); Kyu Hana Daun, Ph.D.- Optics and Software Engineering ( Japan); Prof. Mark Benecke, M.D. – Forensic Biology (Germany); Галина Сергеевна Мысливцев, Ph.D. – Criminal Psychology (Russia)